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Name and Headquarters of the Association

Article 1- Name of the Association: “SERİK YOUTH, EDUCATION, CULTURE, ENVIRONMENT AND SPORTS ASSOCIATION”. The short name of the association is SERGED.

The center of the association is Serik District in Antalya. Its branch will not be opened.

Purpose of the Association and Working Subjects and Types of Activities to be Continued by the Association to Achieve This Purpose

Article 2- The association, the youth; To work in the fields of social, cultural, education, health, environment and sports, to contribute to the improvement of youth policies, to ensure solidarity and solidarity among youth, to encourage entrepreneurship spirits, to help all disadvantaged youth, especially disabled young people, to gain knowledge, skills and competence. It was established with the aim of supporting activities aimed at contributing to their adaptation to the society they live in, organizing vocational training activities aimed at gaining career and professional competence in order to facilitate the employment of young people, to carry out vocational training activities in line with the needs of the labor market of young people.

Study Subjects and Formats to be Continued by the Association

1-To make researches for the activation and development of its activities,

2-Organizing training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences, symposiums and panels,

3-To obtain all kinds of information, documents, documents and publications required for the realization of the purpose, to establish a documentation center, to publish publications such as newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins in line with their purposes,

4-To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to provide all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery materials,

5-Carrying out fundraising activities and accepting donations from Turkey and abroad, provided that the necessary permissions are obtained,

6- To develop existing methods and tools in education, culture, peace, human rights, intercultural solidarity, citizenship, cooperation, etc. to be used in non-formal, informal and formal education, and to develop new methods and tools.

7-Organizing workshops in non-formal, informal and formal education centers,

8-Organizing local, national and international trainings for personal and professional development,

9-Creating awareness among non-governmental organizations, public institutions and universities on project preparation, writing, implementation and evaluation,

10-To prepare regional development projects, to participate in projects in this regard as a partner or associate,

11-To cooperate and work with Youth National Agencies, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Salto Resource Centers, Eurodesk Network, Commission and Council of Europe in the field of youth.

12- To inform and encourage entrepreneurship.

13- Conducting research, preparing and publishing communiqués and reports in areas related to young people in order to activate and develop their activities,

14- Helping people from vulnerable social groups and marginal social circles, especially the elderly and those who leave their education before they gain basic qualifications, in order to give them alternative opportunities to participate in adult education,

15-Developing systems in which all segments of the society, especially the disabled, immigrants, and those living in disadvantaged areas, can be included in decision-making processes,

16-To create activities that will enable young people to develop national and international social responsibility projects aimed at solving the problems of the country and to support young individuals during their execution of the projects,

17- Providing education to students and young people within the framework of laws, Computer, programming, computer programs used, foreign language, illumination, miniature, marbling, calligraphy, reading, classical Turkish music, speaking, writing and speed reading, theater, handicrafts, a musical instrument To organize courses in areas such as playing, basic sciences related to music and all sports branches, to organize vocational courses that facilitate employment by cooperating with the public and private sector.

18- To organize educational programs and training courses and to cooperate with European Union countries in order to increase the quality of education, to provide cultural dialogue and to encourage language learning.

19- To prepare national and international social responsibility projects for disadvantaged young individuals (street children, orphans, dependent children, children with physical and mental disabilities, children who are victims of abuse and violence) and to carry out these projects with young people,

20- Dinner meetings, concerts, theater, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining activities, etc., are organized for the development and maintenance of human relations among its members. organizing or enabling its members to benefit from such events,

21- Establishing sports clubs and organizing sports tournaments for a healthy generation,

22- To organize camp programs, to open summer courses, to carry out social, environmental, sports and cultural activities in order to enable our children and young people to spend their time in summer, to contact official institutions related to these areas and to organize together,

23- It is necessary to contribute to the growth of children and young people as people with good morals, loving their country and nation, growing in the best way in all respects, benevolent, fully developed in physical, spiritual and social aspects, equipped with science, science and superior moral values, and strong family ties. Trying to fulfill all services seen,

24- To establish a library, to provide books to students, to provide scholarships and loans to poor students, to allocate sports facilities and activities for students, to organize conferences to ensure that students are trained in accordance with our national and local customs,

25- To host the needy students free of charge, to feed them, to dress them, to provide all kinds of help, to provide free medical examination, medicine, accommodation and treatment to the patients,

26-To carry out international activities, to become a member of associations or organizations abroad and to cooperate or cooperate with these organizations,

27- If deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the Relationships of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations, to carry out joint projects with public institutions and organizations,

28- Establishing a fund in order to meet the needs of the members of the association, such as food, clothing, and short-term loan needs with other goods and services,

29-To open representative offices where deemed necessary,

30-To create platforms to achieve a common purpose with other associations or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in areas related to the purpose of the association and not prohibited by law,

31-To organize vocational training activities to facilitate the employment of young people, and to make cooperation protocols with the sector in this context,

32-To organize courses, seminars and in-service training activities at national and international level in order to improve the capacities of young people and human resources working in business life,

33- To support the participation of young people in on-the-job training and job placement activities through training and technical support,

34- Preparing projects for programs financed by grants from national and international organizations, creating partnerships and managing projects.

35-To support the participation of young people in social life by increasing their knowledge and skills in environmental protection and waste management.

36-To support young people to participate in volunteer work in Turkey and abroad.

Association's Field of Activity

The association operates in the fields of culture, arts, social, sports and education at home and abroad.

Right to Become a Member and Membership Procedures

Article 3- Every natural and legal person who has the capacity to act and who accepts the aims and principles of the association and agrees to work in this direction and meets the conditions stipulated by the legislation has the right to be a member of this association. However, having the right to settle in Turkey to be a member of the foreign real persons in need. This condition does not apply to honorary membership.

The membership application to be made in writing to the president of the association is decided by the board of directors of the association as acceptance or rejection of the request within thirty days at the most and the result is notified to the applicant in writing. The member whose application is accepted is recorded in the book to be kept for this purpose.

The main members of the association are the founders of the association and those who are accepted as members by the board of directors upon their application.

Those who have provided significant financial and moral support to the association can be accepted as honorary members by the decision of the board of directors.


Article 4- Each member has the right to leave the association, provided that they notify in writing.

As soon as the resignation petition of the member reaches the board of directors, the exit procedures are deemed to have been completed. Quitting membership does not end the accumulated debts of the member to the association.

Dismissal from Membership

Article 5-Conditions requiring dismissal from association membership.

1-To act contrary to the charter of the association,

2-Avoiding the duties given,

3-Failing to pay the membership fee within six months despite written warnings,

4-Failing to comply with the decisions made by the association's bodies.

5-Having lost the conditions for membership,

In case of detection of any of the above-mentioned situations, he is dismissed by the decision of the board of directors.

Those who leave or are removed from the association are deleted from the member registry and cannot claim rights on the association's assets.

Organs of the Association

Article 6- The organs of the association are shown below.

1-General assembly,

2-Board of directors,

3-Supervisory board,

Establishment Form, Meeting Time, Call and Meeting Procedure of the General Assembly of the Association

Article 7- General assembly is the most authorized decision-making body of the association; It consists of members registered with the association.

General Assembly;

1-Ordinary at the time specified in this regulation,

2- It convenes extraordinarily within thirty days when deemed necessary by the management or supervisory board or upon the written request of one fifth of the members of the association.

Ordinary general assembly convenes once in 3 years, in December, on the day, place and time to be determined by the board of directors.

The general assembly is invited to the meeting by the board of directors.

If the board of directors does not call the general assembly to the meeting; Upon the application of one of the members, the magistrate appoints three members to convene the general assembly.

Call Procedure

The board of directors arranges the list of members who have the right to participate in the general assembly according to the association's charter. Members who have the right to participate in the general assembly, at least fifteen days in advance, to announce the day, time, place and agenda of the meeting in at least one newspaper or on the website of the association, to be notified in writing, to send a message to the e-mail address or contact number of the member or to the local It is summoned to the meeting using broadcast tools. In this call, if the meeting cannot be held due to the lack of majority, the day, time and place of the second meeting are also stated. The period between the first meeting and the second meeting cannot be less than seven days and more than sixty days.

If the meeting is adjourned for any reason other than lack of quorum, this situation is announced to the members in accordance with the procedure of the call for the first meeting, stating the reasons for adjournment. The second meeting must be held within six months at the latest from the postponement date. The members are invited to the second meeting according to the principles stated in the first paragraph.

The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.

Meeting Procedure

The General Assembly convenes with the participation of the absolute majority of the members who have the right to participate, and with the participation of two thirds in case of a change in the statute and the dissolution of the association; In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors.

The list of members entitled to attend the general assembly is made available at the meeting place. Identity documents issued by official authorities of the members who will enter the meeting venue are checked by the members of the board of directors or the officials to be assigned by the board of directors. The members enter the meeting place by signing against their names in the list prepared by the board of directors.

If the quorum for the meeting is met, the situation is determined with a report and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the board members to be appointed. If the meeting quorum cannot be achieved, a minute is drawn up by the board of directors.

After the opening, the council committee is formed by electing a chairman and a sufficient number of vice chairmen and clerks to manage the meeting.

In voting for the election of the organs of the association, the voting members must show their identity cards to the council committee and sign their names on the list of attendees.

The management and security of the meeting belongs to the chairman of the council.

Only the items on the agenda are discussed in the general assembly. However, it is obligatory to include the issues requested in writing by one tenth of the members present at the meeting.

Each member has one vote in the general assembly; the member must use the game personally. Honorary members may attend general meetings but can not vote. If the legal person is a member, the chairman of the board of directors of the legal person or the person appointed by the representative votes.

The topics discussed and the decisions taken at the meeting are written in a minute and signed by the chairman of the council and the clerks. At the end of the meeting, the minutes and other documents are delivered to the chairman of the board of directors. The chairman of the board of directors is responsible for protecting these documents and submitting them to the newly elected board of directors within seven days.

Voting and Decision Making Procedures and Methods of the General Assembly

Article 8- In the general assembly, unless otherwise decided, voting is made openly. In open voting, the method specified by the chairman of the general assembly is applied.

In case of secret voting, the papers or ballots sealed by the chairman of the meeting are thrown into an empty container after the members have done the necessary and after the end of the voting, the result is determined openly.

General assembly decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. However, the decision to change the statute and dissolve the association can only be taken with the majority of two-thirds of the members attending the meeting.

Decisions Taken Without Meeting or Call

The decisions taken with the written participation of all members without coming together and the decisions taken by all members of the association without complying with the call procedure written in this regulation are valid. Making decisions in this way does not replace a regular meeting.

Duties and Powers of the General Assembly

Article 9- The issues written below are discussed and resolved by the general assembly.

1-Election of association bodies,

2-Changing the bylaws of the association,

3-Discussion of the reports of the management and supervisory boards and release of the board of directors,

4- Discussing and accepting the budget prepared by the board of directors as it is or after amendment,

5- Authorization of the board of directors to purchase immovable property required for the association or to sell existing immovable properties,

6-Examining the regulations to be prepared by the board of directors regarding the activities of the association and approving them as is or by amending them,

7-Determining the wages and all kinds of allowances, travel allowances and compensations to be paid to the chairman and members of the board of directors and supervisory boards of the association who are not public officials, and the amount of daily and travel expenses to be given to the members who will be assigned for the services of the association

8-Deciding on the association's participation in and leaving the federation,

9-Association's international activities, joining or leaving as a member of associations and organizations abroad,

10-The association establishes a foundation,

11-Termination of the association,

12-Examining and resolving other proposals of the board of directors,

13-Fulfillment of other duties specified in the legislation to be performed by the general assembly,

The general assembly supervises other organs of the association and can always dismiss them for just cause.

The general assembly makes the final decision on admission and removal from membership. As the most authoritative body of the association, it sees the works not given to another body of the association and uses its powers.

Establishment, Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors

Article 10- The board of directors is elected by the general assembly as five original and five substitute members.

In its first meeting after the election, the board of directors determines the chairman, vice chairman, secretary, accountant and member by sharing the duties with a decision.

The board of directors can always be called for a meeting, provided that all members are informed. It meets with the presence of one more than half of the total number of members. Decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the total number of members attending the meeting.

If there is a vacancy in the full membership of the board of directors due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to call the substitute members for duty according to the order of the majority of the votes they received in the general assembly.

Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors

The board of directors fulfills the following issues.

1-Representing the association or authorizing one or more of its members on this matter,

2-Carrying out transactions regarding income and expense accounts and preparing the budget for the next period and submitting it to the general assembly,

3-Preparing the regulations regarding the activities of the association and submitting it to the approval of the general assembly.

4-With the authorization given by the General Assembly, to purchase immovable property, to sell movable and immovable properties belonging to the association, to have buildings or facilities built, to make a lease agreement, to establish pledges or real rights in favor of the association,

5-To ensure that representation offices are opened where necessary

6-To implement the decisions taken in the general assembly,

7-At the end of each activity year, to prepare the association's business account table or balance sheet and income statement and the report explaining the work of the board of directors, to present it to the general assembly when it meets,

8- Ensuring the implementation of the budget,

9-Deciding on recruiting or dismissing members from the association.

10-To take and implement all kinds of decisions in order to achieve the purpose of the association,

11-To perform other duties assigned by the legislation and to use the powers,

Organization, Duties and Powers of the Supervisory Board

Article 11- The supervisory board is elected by the general assembly as three original and three substitute members.

If there is a vacancy in the full membership of the Board of Auditors due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to call the substitute members for duty according to the order of the majority of the votes they received in the general assembly.

Duties and Powers of the Supervisory Board

Supervisory board; It checks whether the association operates in line with the work subjects specified to be carried out in order to realize the purpose and purpose indicated in its statute, whether the books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and the association's bylaws, according to the principles and procedures determined in the association's statute and at intervals not exceeding one year and submits to the board of directors in a report and to the general assembly when it convenes

Supervisory board; calls the general assembly to meeting when necessary.

Income Sources of the Association

Article 12-Income sources of the association are listed below.

1-Membership Fee: Members are charged 10 TL as the entrance fee and 5 TL monthly. This amounts to increase or decrease the general meeting is authorized.

2-Donations and aids made by real and legal persons to the association with their own will.

3-Incomes from activities such as tea and dinner meetings, trips and entertainment, representation, concerts, sports competitions and conferences organized by the association,

4-Income from the association's assets,

5-Donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on fundraising.

6-Incomes obtained from the commercial activities that the association undertakes to obtain the income it needs to achieve its purpose.

7-Other income.

Bookkeeping Principles and Procedures of the Association and the Books to be kept

Article 13-Bookkeeping principles;

The Association is to keep account books according to the principles. However, in case the annual gross income exceeds the limit specified in Article 31 of the Associations Regulation, a book is kept on the basis of the balance sheet starting from the following accounting period.

In case of transition to the balance sheet basis, if the limit is below the above-mentioned limit in two consecutive accounting periods, the operating account principle can be returned from the following year.

Regardless of the limit stated above, a book can be kept on the basis of the balance sheet with the decision of the board of directors.

In case of opening a commercial enterprise of the association, a separate book is kept for this commercial enterprise in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law.

Registration Procedure

The books and records of the Association are kept in accordance with the principles and procedures specified in the Associations Regulation.

Notebooks to Keep

The following books are kept in the association.

a) The books to be kept on the basis of the business account and the principles to be followed are as follows:

1-Decision Book: The decisions of the board of directors are written in this book in the order of date and number and the decisions are signed by the members attending six meetings.

2-Member Registration Book: Identity information of the members of the association, their entry and exit dates are recorded in this book. Entrance and annual dues paid by the members can be recorded in this book.

3-Document Registry: Incoming and outgoing documents are recorded in this book with their date and sequence number. The original copies of incoming documents and outgoing documents are filed. Documents received or sent via electronic mail are stored by printing them.

4-Business Account Book: Incomes and expenses made on behalf of the Association are clearly and regularly recorded in this book.

5-Receipt Document Registry: The serial and sequence numbers of the receipt documents, the names, surnames and signatures of those who received and returned these documents, and the dates they received and returned are recorded in this book.

6-Fixture Book: The date and form of acquisition of the fixtures belonging to the association, the places where they are used or given out, and the deduction of those who have expired are recorded in this book.

It is not mandatory to keep the Receipt Document Registry and the Fixture Book.

b) The books to be kept on the basis of the balance sheet and the principles to be followed are as follows:

1- The books recorded in sub clauses 1, 2 and 3 of clause (a) are also kept in case of keeping a book on the basis of balance sheet.

2-Journal and General Ledger: The method of keeping these books and the way of recording are made in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law and the Accounting System Application General Communiqués issued pursuant to the authority given to the Ministry of Finance by this Law.

Approval of Books

The books that must be kept in the association (except the Big Book) are certified by the provincial directorate of associations or notary before starting to use them. The use of these books is continued until their pages are finished and no intermediate approval is made. However, it is compulsory to have the Journal, which is kept on the basis of the balance sheet, re-certified every year in the last month preceding the year in which it will be used.

Income Statement and Balance Sheet Preparation

In case of keeping records on the basis of business account principle, at the end of the year (December 31st) "Operation Account Table" (specified in the Associations Regulation Appendix-16) is prepared. In case of keeping books on the basis of balance sheet, balance sheet and income statement is prepared at the end of the year (31 December) on the basis of the General Communiqués on Accounting System Application published by the Ministry of Finance.

Income and Expense Transactions of the Association

Article 14-Income and expense documents;

Association incomes are collected with a "Certificate of Receipt" (whose sample is available in the Associations Regulation, Appendix-17). In the event that the association's income is collected through banks, documents such as a receipt or account statement issued by the bank replace the receipt.

Association expenses are made with expenditure documents such as invoices, retail sales receipts, and self-employment receipts. However, documents such as an expense slip according to the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law for the payments of the association within the scope of Article 94 of the Income Tax Law, and documents such as "Expense Receipt" or "Bank Receipt" for payments not included in this scope (for example in Annex-13 of the Associations Regulation). used as an expense document.

Free goods and services deliveries to be made by the association to individuals, institutions or organizations are made with the "In-Kind Aid Delivery Document" (whose sample is found in the Associations Regulation, Appendix-14). Free goods and services deliveries to be made by persons, institutions or organizations to the association are accepted with the "In-Kind Donation Receipt Document" (whose sample is available in the Associations Regulation Appendix-15).

These documents; Volumes consisting of fifty originals and fifty cob sheets with carbon, in the form and size shown in Annex-13, Annex-14 and Annex-15, or as a form or continuous form to be printed by electronic systems and writing machines. . Documents to be printed in form or continuous form must be of the specified quality.

Receipt Documents

The "Receipt Documents" (in the format and size shown in the Associations Regulation Appendix-17) to be used in the collection of the association's income are printed by the decision of the board of directors.

The issues related to the printing and control of the receipt documents, their receipt from the printing house, their registration in the book, the handover between the old and new accountants and the receipt and the use of these receipt documents by the person or persons who will collect income on behalf of the association and the relevant provisions of the Associations Regulation. .

Licence of authorization

Except for the principal members of the board of directors, the person or persons who will collect income on behalf of the association are determined by the decision of the board of directors, indicating the authorization period. The "Authorization Certificate" (included in the Associations Regulation Appendix-19) containing the clear identity, signature and photographs of the persons to collect income is prepared in two copies by the association and approved by the chairman of the board of directors of the association. Principal members of the board of directors can collect income without authorization.

The duration of the authorization documents is determined by the board of directors as one year at most. Expired authorization certificates are renewed according to the first paragraph. In cases such as the expiration of the authorization certificate or the resignation of the person whose authorization certificate has been issued, death, termination of his / her job or duty, it is obligatory to submit the given authorization documents to the board of directors of the association within one week. In addition, the power to collect income can always be revoked by the decision of the board of directors. "

Storage Period of Income and Expense Documents;

Except for the books, the receipt documents, expenditure documents and other documents used by the association are kept for 5 years in accordance with the number and date order in the books they are recorded, without prejudice to the periods specified in special laws.

Submission of Declaration

Article 15- The Association Declaration regarding the activities of the previous year and the year-end results of the income and expenditure transactions (included in the Associations Regulation Appendix-21) is filled out by the board of directors of the association and submitted by the president of the association within the first four months of each calendar year. given to the local administrative authority.

Notification Obligation

Article 16-Notifications to be made to the local authority;

General Assembly Result Notification

Within thirty days following the ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meetings, the General Assembly Result Notification (included in Annex-3 of the Associations Regulation) including the principal and alternate members elected to the management and supervisory boards and other organs is submitted to the local administrative authority. In case of a change in the charter at the general assembly meeting; The minutes of the general assembly meeting, the old and new versions of the amended articles of the charter, the final form of the association's charter, each page of which has been signed by the absolute majority of the members of the board, are submitted to the local administrative authority within the period specified in this paragraph and in a letter attachment

Declaration of Immovables

The immovables acquired by the association are notified to the local authority by filling out the "Immovable Property Declaration" (presented in the Associations Regulation, Appendix-26) within thirty days from the registration to the land registry.

Notice of Getting Help Abroad

In the event that assistance is to be received from abroad by the association, the "Notification for Receiving Aid from Abroad" (stated in the Associations Regulation Appendix-4) is filled in and a notification is made to the local administrative authority.

It is obligatory to receive cash assistance through banks and to fulfill the notification requirement before use.

Notification of Changes

"Settlement Change Notification" (stated in Associations Regulation Appendix-24); Changes occurring in the organs of the association other than the general assembly meeting (stated in the Associations Regulation, Appendix-25) are notified to the local administrative authority within thirty days following the change by filling the "Notification of Change in Association Bodies".

Amendments made in the bylaws of the association are also notified to the local administrative authority within thirty days following the general assembly meeting in which the statute amendment was made, attached to the general assembly result notification.

Opening Representation

Article 17- The association may open representation offices by the decision of the board of directors in order to carry out the activities of the association where it deems necessary. The address of the representation is notified in writing to the local administrative authority by the person or persons appointed as representative by the decision of the board of directors. Representatives may not be represented in the General Assembly.

Internal Audit of the Association

Article 18- Internal audit can be carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or the supervisory board, as well as by independent audit institutions. The fact that an audit has been carried out by the general assembly, board of directors or independent audit institutions does not remove the responsibility of the supervisory board.

The association is audited by the board of directors once a year at the latest. The general assembly or the board of directors may audit when deemed necessary or have independent audit firms make audits.

Association's Borrowing Procedures

Article 19- The association can borrow money by the decision of the board of directors, if needed, in order to achieve its purpose and to carry out its activities. This borrowing can be in the purchase of goods and services on credit or in cash. However, this borrowing cannot be made in amounts that cannot be covered by the association's income sources and in a nature that will make the association difficult to pay.

How to Change the Statute

Article 20-Regulation change can be made with the decision of the general assembly.

A majority of 2/3 of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly is required in order to make a change in the statute in the general assembly. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not required in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors.

The majority of decisions required for the amendment of the charter is 2/3 of the votes of the members who attend the meeting and have the right to vote. By-law changes are made open to vote in the general assembly.

Termination of the Association and Liquidation of the Assets

Article 21 - The General Assembly can always decide to dissolve the association.

In order to discuss the termination issue in the general assembly, 2/3 majority of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly is required. In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not required in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and auditors.

The majority of decision required for the termination decision is 2/3 of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote. Decision of termination voting is made openly in the General Assembly.

Liquidation Procedures

When the dissolution decision is taken by the general assembly, the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association is carried out by the liquidation committee consisting of the members of the last board of directors. These procedures are started from the date when the decision of the general assembly regarding dissolution is taken or the automatic termination becomes definite. The term “Serik Youth in Liquidation, Education, Culture, Environment and Sports Association-SERGED Association” is used in the name of the association in all transactions during the liquidation period.

The liquidation committee is in charge and authorized to complete the liquidation of the association's money, property and rights from the beginning to the end in accordance with the legislation. This board first examines the association's accounts. During the examination, the books, receipts, expense documents, title deeds, bank records and other documents of the association are determined and their assets and liabilities are recorded in a report. During the liquidation process, the creditors of the association are called and the assets, if any, are converted into cash and paid to the creditors. If the association is creditor, the receivables are collected. After the collection of the receivables and the payment of the debts, all the remaining money, property and rights are transferred to the place determined in the general assembly. If the place to be transferred has not been determined in the general assembly, it is transferred to the association with the closest to its purpose in the province where the association is located and with the highest number of members on the date of termination.

All transactions related to the liquidation are shown in the liquidation report and the liquidation procedures are completed within three months, except for the additional periods given by the local administrative authorities based on a just cause.

Following the completion of the liquidation and transfer of the money, property and rights of the association, the liquidation committee must notify the local administrative authority of the location of the association's headquarters in a letter within seven days and attach the liquidation report to this letter.

Members of the last board of directors are responsible for keeping the books and documents of the association as the liquidation committee. This duty can be conferred to a board of member too. These books and records must be kept for five years


Lack of Provision

Article 22- The Law on Associations, the Turkish Civil Code and the Associations Regulation issued in reference to these Laws and the provisions of other relevant legislation on associations shall apply for matters not specified in this charter.

Provisional Article 1- The members of the temporary board of directors, who will represent the association and will carry out the works and transactions related to the association, are stated below until the association bodies are formed in the first general assembly.


Address :Prof  Yaşar UÇAR Street Police Building Floor :2 No:204

Serik-Antalya -TURKEY

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SerGED Association cooperates with EVBB and ETF

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