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With the Erasmus + Program implemented between 2014 and 2020, it is aimed to provide individuals with new skills, strengthen their personal development and increase employment opportunities, regardless of their age and educational background.

Erasmus + Program; It covers the fields of education, training, youth and sports. The main reason for naming the Erasmus + Program is to benefit from the recognition of the previous Erasmus program, which is more publicly recognized and strongly associated with education abroad and European cooperation.

What is the Erasmus + Program?

Erasmus + Program started to be implemented on January 1, 2014; It is the general name of the umbrella program that includes support for different age groups and different target groups in the fields of education, youth and sports. Within the Erasmus + Program, as in previous programs, support for school education, higher education, vocational education, adult education and youth continues, as well as grant support for projects in the field of sports. We can list the innovations that came with the Erasmus + Program as follows:

  • With the programs of Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Youth Program and 5 international cooperation programs (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and Cooperation with Industrialized Countries), which are carried out within the Lifelong Learning Programs, they are gathered under the title of Erasmus + Program. By introducing simpler application rules and procedures with a single program, fragmented structure and duplications come to an end,

  • The grant guarantee program is being implemented in order to support the students who have completed their master's degree in gaining the skills necessary to continue their education abroad and to work in a knowledge-intensive job,

  • Bilateral Cooperation with Industrialized Countries in the Field of Higher Education (Bilateral Cooperation), which was implemented in the previous period, remains among the central projects of the Erasmus + Program, including the youth field. However, please check the Erasmus + Program Guide for the scope of the countries that can cooperate)

  • Large-scale partnerships to increase creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship between higher education institutions and workplaces by introducing new teaching methods (Knowledge Partnerships) and partnerships between education and training institutions / organizations to increase employability through innovative vocational education and training methods for sectors (Sectoral Skill Partnerships) enabling the creation,

  • Mobility and partnership opportunities are being strengthened significantly in the new period and grants are increased especially for higher education / vocational education students, teachers, trainers and youth workers.

Erasmus + Youth Program

The "more" in the youth field is here: learning and cooperation opportunities in Europe!


Meet the opportunities we offer to learn and get to know new cultures!


(No Age Limit)

Take action to improve yourself and get to know different applications!

PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS! Support is ready for international cooperation in the field of education and youth!

Knowing a foreign language is not a prerequisite for participating in the Erasmus + Youth Program.


Individual Opportunities:
Young people can participate in educational activities at home and abroad, or do European Voluntary Service. They can participate in projects prepared by other groups and organizations as a participant.

Opportunities for Youth Groups:

You are not a member of an organization but want to prepare your own project? Make a group then! Get together at least 5 young people (4 participants + 1 group leader), form a gender-balanced group as much as possible, give your group a name, find your partners and apply!

Opportunities for legal entities (NGOs, for-profit organizations active in the field of public and social responsibility):
You can submit project applications in all sub-programs. Young people, youth workers, organization representatives or staff working in this field can apply for projects on any subject that includes mobility.

Turkey's National Agency for detailed information, please refer to the page is

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