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Today, "Youth Information" is recognized in many European countries as part of youth work. Others have a 40-year history. In these 40 years, many changes have been observed in the Youth Information work that are compatible with the developments in society in general and in the living conditions of young people in particular. Over the past 40 years, many professional developments have taken place in the field of General Comprehensive Youth Information, local and regional level, national structures and European networks. Also, recognition of Youth Information at European level has been achieved to a great extent. This led to both the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Recommendation No. (90) 7 of 1990 and the inclusion of Youth Information as one of the priorities in the “White Paper on Youth” published by the European Commission in 2001.

What is Youth Information?

Youth Information is a specialized form of youth work. The first youth information centers were established in Western Europe in the late 1960s following significant changes in contemporary societies. These centers were in response to a request for services that gave young people reliable and accurate answers to issues of interest in an informal, user-friendly environment. Since then, youth information has developed rapidly in Europe. It has become a specific part of youth work in many countries, including a wide range of interventions and services for young people. Fulfillment of youth information work in every country depends very much on the legal regulation on young people in that country, the general role of youth work, other structures and facilities held by young people, those working with them and for them. However, some basic tasks and principles are the same for all youth information centers and services.

General youth work aims to include all issues related to young people and generally include the following:


• Jobs and Career

• Leisure and sports events, cultural events

• Laws on young people (legislation)

• Shelter

Financial problems

• Health problems

• Facilities and services for local youth

• Vacation and travel

• Volunteering and European and international opportunities

According to the European Youth Information Charter


The following principles serve as a guide to holistic youth information work that seeks to guarantee a young person's right to information:

  • Youth information centers and information services should be open to all young people without exception.

  • Youth information centers and information services seek to ensure that every young person has equal access to information, regardless of location, origin, gender, religion or social status; It pays special attention to groups with fewer opportunities and young people with special needs.

  • Youth information centers and information services should be easily accessible without any appointment system and should be attractive to young people with the friendly atmosphere they provide. In addition, working hours should be adjusted to meet the needs of young people.

  • The information provided should be based on the wishes and needs of young people, should include every topic that may be of interest to young people, and should be in constant motion to cover new topics.

  • Each beneficiary should be respected as an individual with the approach of developing competence and autonomy, using and analyzing the acquired knowledge, and the answers to their questions should be personalized.

  • Youth information services should be provided free of charge.

  • The information must be provided in a manner that respects the beneficiary's privacy and his right not to reveal his identity.

  • Information should be provided by professionals trained in providing information.

  • The information provided must be complete, current, valid, applicable and easy to use.

  • Efforts should be made to ensure the impartiality of the information provided through a pluralistic approach and verification of the sources used.

  • The information presented must be free of any religious, political, ideological or commercial influence.

  • Youth information centers and information services should strive to reach as many young people as possible by using effective and appropriate ways, creative and innovative strategies, methods and tools for the needs of many different groups.

  • Every young person; It should have the opportunity to participate in youth information activities at local, regional, national and international levels in the most appropriate way, without being limited to determining the need for information, preparing and communicating information, managing and evaluating information services, projects and peer activities.

  • Youth information centers and information services should work together with other youth organizations in their region, and communicate with other stakeholders working with young people.

  • Youth information centers and information services should be able to help young people access information using modern information and communication technologies, and develop their skills in using these technologies.

  • No funding source for youth information work should prevent youth information centers and information services from applying the principles of this Charter.

Main aims of youth information

  • To be at the center of information resources accessible to young people as a unit that coordinates information.

  • To provide information for young people to ensure their social, personal and professional development and to convey them to different young groups by using all possible channels in a way that they can understand and easily access.

  • Using a personalized approach, helping young people to interpret and absorb the information presented, to bring them to life.

  • To provide an active service that responds to the needs and problems of young people, instead of providing passive information, by informing the range of services, opportunities and opportunities that young people can benefit from.

  • To provide the link between relevant organizations that can help young people's needs and problems by referring young people to other specialized organizations and services.

  • To encourage young people to use information resources effectively and to improve their knowledge acquisition skills to create a basis for personal development and gain personal autonomy.

  • To empower young people to respond to young people more effectively, such as parents, teachers, youth workers, social workers, counseling professionals.


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